Mergers & Acquisitions

Whether it is friendly "merger of equals" or a hostile takeover, the need for objective, professional advisory services is critical. We base our work on an accurate and defensible valuation derived from real-world experience.

In the world of business and industry, for many, mergers and acquisitions are the daily bread. Anytime a company is combined with another company, there are numerous ramifications that immediately follow.

This is even more true with innovation-driven industries such as IT or life sciences. Proper valuation of the companies in question is vital in order to ensure a fair outcome. This is easier said than done sometimes. The requirements of high-growth and innovation sectors of the economy require an in-depth understanding of often-misunderstood aspects of valuations such as determining the value of intangible assets or pre-revenue companies funded exclusively by investors prior to going public.

We have worked in mergers and acquisitions for years with some of the largest firms in banking and private equity. We know the territory. We also realize that, while we do follow a formal process, there is no single formula, guideline or calculation that results in a “fair” market value. Every client has specific needs and every project requires a standard of value appropriate to the client’s goals. A credible valuation is based on thorough quantitative analysis of all relevant facts, combined with many qualitative judgments to arrive at the proper determination of value.

We know that an educated and experienced staff is only one part of developing a top-notch analysis team. It requires a commitment to quality and the ability to communicate effectively with all relevant parties, including boards of directors, company management and staff, regulatory authorities (such as the SBA, SEC and IRS), equity investors, lenders and bondholders, and corporate buyers.

For more information on BVC’s valuation services for mergers and acquisitions, download our free info kit:



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