Whether IT, biotech or private equity, we have precise knowledge of both your industry segment as well as the technical aspects of your exact valuation needs.
One example of how we differ from other valuation firms is that we have extensive experience with intangible asset valuations such as intellectual property, patents and brands. These are a huge part of a tech company’s value and must be handled properly.
Additionally, many companies don’t have any revenue yet are valued very highly by the market—look at Facebook for just one example. Pre-revenue companies simply don’t fit into standard revenue-based valuation models. A social media company undergoing a pre-IPO valuation requires different criteria than a steel mill.
Private equity firms have very specific requirements and needs. We understand these needs and are able to service them in a way unparalleled by any other valuation firm. How many valuation companies out there have a focus strictly on the precise valuation needs of private equity? We are unique in that they are a major part of what we do. We understand private equity. We understand venture capital.
Another field similar to IT is biotechnology and life sciences. These engage in a tremendous amount of R&D and so, as a result, they must be treated very differently than conventional businesses. Their assets aren’t in rolling stock or real estate; they’re in intangible assets such as patents and proprietary processes.
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